SOSE urges climate commitment from organisations across the South
South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) is urging all organisations across the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway to sign up to a resilient and forward-thinking global climate campaign.
The Race to Zero campaign led by the United Nations, aims to achieve an overall balance between the carbon emissions produced and the carbon emissions taken out of the atmosphere by 2050 at the latest.
Organisations who join the journey will help to prevent future climate threats, create jobs, and unlock inclusive, sustainable growth throughout organisations across the world.
The campaign aims to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonised economy ahead the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow this November.
SOSE is encouraging all organisations in the South of Scotland to join the Race to Zero campaign by signing up to The SME Climate Commitment on the UK Climate Hub at https://smeclimatehub.org/sme-climate-commitment/.
SOSE are then urging all organisations to reach out to them via he SOSE website once they have signed up to the Race to Zero - as further help and support can be provided.
Businesses can reach out to SOSE here: https://www.southofscotlandenterprise.com/contact-us
Dr Martin Valenti, Director of Net Zero at SOSE, said:
“With COP26 on the horizon, Scotland now faces a massive climate opportunity which businesses in the South simply must take advantage of.
“We want organisations throughout the region to harness their innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to help Scotland create a better and more hopeful future for everyone.
“Many organisations in the public sector, including SOSE, are ready and able to support businesses at any stage of their net zero journey - and I therefore urge organisations to reach out to us if they need support.
“The journey will not necessarily be an easy one, but if we all work together, we can and will achieve our collective goal of reaching net zero by 2050.”
Several organisations in the region have already signed up to the Race to Zero but there are still many organisations in the area who have not yet committed themselves to the campaign.
Local business Scotmas is one of the businesses which has already signed up.
Nicola Cameron, Commercial Director at Scotmas, said:
"Scotmas are responsible for providing clean water, hygiene and environmental care solutions to markets across the world - so we often see the devastating effect of climate change for ourselves.
“Joining the Race to Zero campaign and setting ourselves the challenging target of being a Carbon Neutral organisation by 2025 was quite simply the right thing to do in the current climate emergency.
“The resources and support provided by the platform, as well as through Zero Waste Scotland and SOSE have helped us deliver real change in the way we go about our business, and we are well on the way to reaching our target.”
Registering to be part of the campaign shows that an organisation recognises the threat that climate change poses to the economy, nature, and society, and is taking considered steps to reduce that threat.
Organisations can join the Race to Zero by signing up to The SME Climate Commitment on the UK Climate Hub website, which can be accessed here: https://smeclimatehub.org/sme-climate-commitment/
Businesses and community groups across the region are also being encouraged to register for various climate events SOSE is co-hosting with other organisations that will run alongside the main COP26 programme in Glasgow to form Scotland’s Climate Ambition Zone.
The events programme will take place between the 1st and 11th November, with topics including the circular economy, green skills and net zero. Register for any of the events here: https://visitscotland.eventsair.com/scotlands-climate-ambition-zone/public-programme/Site/Register
Notes to Editors
Organisations who sign up to the SME Climate Commitment will pledge to take immediate actions to do three key things: halve their greenhouse gas emissions before 2030, achieve net zero emissions before 2050, and disclose their progress on a yearly basis.
More information on Race to Zero campaign is available from https://unfccc.int/climate-action/race-to-zero-campaign
In March this year, SOSE also published their ambitious Powering Change document asking local businesses and organisations to take action to ensure the region maximises future energy opportunities.