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First full Regional Economic Partnership commits to development of strategy to take forward future of South of Scotland economy

The first meeting of the full Regional Economic Partnership (REP) took place on Friday 18 September saw over 30 people from across Dumfries and Galloway and the Borders to discuss plans to take forward the economic future of the South of Scotland.

The Partnership discussed their collective ambition to deliver a clear and compelling vision for the economic success of the South of Scotland, one which will harness the efforts of all partners , including the new South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) which went live on 1 April, to address agreed priorities.
The partnership, which forms part of the new regional structures to help drive economic success including developing a Regional Economic Strategy for the South, agreed the next steps to allow work to immediately progress to take the Strategy forward.

Effective involvement of young people was high on the agenda as well as the need to ensure there is a clear, measurable action plan in place.

Depute Leader of Dumfries and Galloway Council, Councillor Rob Davidson is Chair of the REP for its first financial year, and explained:

“We have already made good progress as Team South of Scotland to build upon our strengths, combine our expertise and maximise our resources in a way which best serves our businesses, communities and residents.

“Bringing together the REP formally progresses this and allows us to develop and monitor the delivery of an economic strategy for the South of Scotland.

“It will ensure that our ambition for our region’s success is supported by collective action, informed by a broad base of expertise to ensure a focus in the right areas. It will also be a forum in which to address the key economic challenges that we need to overcome so that our region can grow and flourish in the future.”

The REP comprises members of Scottish Borders Council, Dumfries and Galloway Council, South of Scotland Enterprise, together with appointed members from business, communities, social enterprise, registered social landlords, and representatives from colleges, universities and public bodies including the Scottish Funding Council, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, and VisitScotland.

The REP also links into the Convention of South of Scotland (COSS) which is chaired by the Deputy First Minister, the first meeting of which took place in February 2020, with the next scheduled to take place virtually on 28 September.
It is planned that the REP will meet every other month up until the end of March 2021 when the frequency of meetings will be reviewed.