New report finds decarbonisation of social housing stock in South could bring significant community benefits
A new report on the potential for a Community Wealth Building approach to adding energy efficiency measures to Registered Social Landlords' housing stock in the South of Scotland has concluded more than 2,200 jobs could be created by 2030.
Analysis in A roadmap to decarbonisation, finds that, by using their influence to develop the retrofit supply chain, registered social landlords in Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders could create more than 2,000 jobs and £112m in direct Gross Added Value (GVA) by 2030.
The release of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) report, which has been commissioned by South of Scotland Enterprise and Eildon Housing Association, demonstrates the economic potential of just decarbonisation in the South of Scotland and sets out recommendations for action to move the agenda forward.
The report demonstrates how the housing sector can use community wealth building to deliver better economic outcomes in the places they serve, by thinking creatively about how to use their spending power.
What is Community Wealth Building?
Community Wealth Building is an approach which aims to ensure local organisations work together to tackle long-standing economic challenges and inequalities, so communities can access and benefit from the wealth our economy generates.
In doing so, the approach can deliver more and better jobs, business growth, community-owned assets and shorter supply chains, creating greater resilience and supporting net zero ambitions.
Jane Morrison-Ross, Chief Executive of SOSE
“We see Community Wealth Building as an approach which offers so much to the people in our region, in particular around the need to provide high quality, affordable housing.
“The report highlights the potential for our region to create skilled, well paid jobs, all locally based and working on making our housing stock the most energy efficient it can be.
“If the opportunities in this report can be realised, it would help keep money within our region’s economy for the benefit of everyone living and working here, at the same time as helping realise our net zero ambitions – an excellent example of community wealth building in action.
“This is the first step in a large-scale, long-term project to develop community wealth building which will need partners across the south to work closely together to achieve. We are excited by the possibilities it presents.”
Antonia Jennings, Associate Director for CLES and one of the report’s authors
“This research demonstrates that the much-needed Net Zero transition can be delivered in a way that supports the economic needs of the most vulnerable communities.
“Crucially, the report shows that, when the housing sector is supported to use its economic influence to develop supply chains, not only can Net Zero targets be met, but jobs and GVA will follow.
“But rural economies, like the South of Scotland, risk falling behind urban areas which benefit from more buoyant labour markets and developed supply chains.
“This is a call to action: with more support something truly transformational can be achieved, not just in the South of Scotland, but across the UK.”