SOSE supports Tweeddale community group towards sustainability and growth

Tweeddale Youth Action is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation located in the Tweeddale area of the Scottish Borders. It helps young people to access advice and develop skills, confidence, and a sense of belonging and responsibility within the community.

SOSE first started engagement with the group through joint locality-based working with Scottish Borders Council. From initial discussions, it was clear there were some areas of support that SOSE could provide, from community asset development and market research, to business and recovery planning.

Thinking further about sustainability and growth issues, the organisation is currently undertaking market research to find out what their users need, and to measure interest in their diversification ideas.

They are in the process of developing their strategy to assist young people into training, work or business, and are exploring various tourism and food and drink strands to understand their place in the overall market.

SOSE has also linked Tweeddale Youth Action to external partners and wider agencies, to widen their reach and access new opportunities. All of this work around research, policies and strategies will help Tweeddale Youth Action to target funders for assistance.